Communauté genevoise d’action syndicale

Organisation faitière regroupant l’ensemble des syndicats de la République et canton de Genève

Rue des Terreaux-du-Temple 6 - 1201 Genève

iban CH69 0900 0000 8541 2318 9

à l’occasion du Conseil général de l’OMC

Des échanges oui, mais...

Action symbolique des mouvements paysans et de leurs alliés devant l’OMC le lundi 15 mai 2006

vendredi 12 mai 2006 par Claude REYMOND

La CGAS a déjà collaboré avec Uniterre et La Via Campesina...

Aussi nous relayons cette année encore son action comme nous l’avions appuyée précédemment en 2004 pour la souveraineté alimentaire.

Des échanges oui, mais sur la base du droit à la souveraineté alimentaire

Nous appelons nos gouvernements à subordonner les règles commerciales au droit de souveraineté alimentaire afin de promouvoir un développement durable de l’agriculture et de l’économie. Uniterre, la Coordination Paysanne Européenne et La Via Campesina défendent une agriculture durable, paysanne et des échanges commerciaux basés sur le respect des droits humains, de la justice sociale ainsi que de la protection des ressources naturelles.

Nous encourageons les échanges à des prix rémunérateurs pour les familles paysannes, sur de courtes distances, permettant à un maximum de consommateurs et producteurs de se rencontrer et de pouvoir ainsi assurer un contrôle « citoyen » de la filière agroalimentaire. Les politiques de l’OMC prônent l’inverse. Au lieu de favoriser une variété d’échanges commerciaux florissants et de qualité, répondant aux besoins des populations, la logique économique basée sur la dérégulation nous impose un phénomène général de concentration de la production, de la transformation et de la commercialisation des produits agricoles. Avec toutes les conséquences économiques, sociales, environnementales et sanitaires que nous connaissons.

Nous revendiquons des prix rémunérateurs qui permettent d’obtenir un revenu équitable et de rémunérer correctement les familles paysannes ainsi que les employé-e-s agricoles. Nous ne voulons pas des prix artificiels fixés sur les 10% de surplus agricoles circulant à travers la planète. Il s’agit de prix de dumping contre lesquels nous ne pourrons bientôt plus nous protéger si un accord est conclu à l’OMC sur les modalités pour l’accès au marché des produits agricoles.

Nous réclamons la souveraineté alimentaire. Celle-ci permet aux populations, producteurs et consommateurs, de choisir le type d’agriculture et d’alimentation qu’elles souhaitent, sans exporter à des prix inférieurs aux coûts de production (dumping). Elle donne la priorité à la consommation locale et elle interdit toutes les formes de subventions à l’exportation. La souveraineté alimentaire permet également aux Etats à se protéger des importations à trop bas prix.

Les politiques néolibérales de L’OMC se font contre les intérêts des paysan-ne-s et des consommateurs-trices. L’OMC est une institution qui gère le commerce et qui cherche à appliquer des politiques de libéralisation et de privatisation ; des politiques qui répondent aux intérêts des multinationales comme Nestlé, Syngenta ou encore Monsanto : ce n’est donc pas le lieu pour négocier les politiques agricoles et alimentaires.

Uniterre, Coordination Paysanne Européenne, La Via Campesina


voici la liste des gens venant à Genève que vous pouvez rencontrer lundi à la manif

Several latin-americans representatives are in Geneve these days to take part in the protest against the World Trade Organization’s General Council meeting. Here you have a short description of sixteen of them. Feel free to use this material to interview them and have in them positive sources of information about global civil society’s views of the free trade process held on WTO.

Jorge Coronado - Sociologist. He is from Costa Rica and has an executive position in Encuentro Popular (People’s Meeting), a network in which many local organizations get together to fight free trade in Central America. Encuentro Popular develops actions and campaigns about a range of matters including Alca, Cafta, WTO, EU. Coronado is also a member of The People’s Forum os Central America (Foro Mesoamericano de los Pueblos), and coordinates, along with others, the Continental Social Alliance.

Carlos G. Aguilar Sanchez - He is from Costa Rica. Coordinates a taskforce to tackle the agriculture and commerce issues in the Continental Social Alliance. In this same organization, he deals with the WTO agenda.

Rogério Mauro - He is from Brazil. Mauro has a seat in the national board of MST (the landless farmers’ movement). He is also MST’s representative in Rebrip (Brazilian Network for the People’s Integration). MST is affiliated to Via Campesina and the CLOC (a latin-american federation of farmers’ associations).

Ricardo Casas Mayorga - He is from Chile. He is the president of Fetrainpes, an organization of fishermen especialized in salmon fishing. His experience as a unionist led him to sue fish companies in Chile.

Maria Rita Reis - She is from Brazil. Rita Reis is a member of ONG Terra de Direitos (Land of Rights). She is especialized in environmental issues and takes part in Reprip’s (Brazilian Network for the Peoples’ Integration) activities, mainly in agricultural and services matters.

Osvaldo Martinez - Economist. He is from Cuba. His main focus is external debt and free trade. He is very involved in the organization of the annual meeting in Cuba against free trade, debt and militarization, that gathers together social movements and organizations from all the Americas.

Iara Pietricovsky - Anthropologist. She is from Brazil. Pietricovsky is one of the directors of Inesc, (Social and Economic Research Institute) one of the finest Brazilian NGOs in the field of public policies for development. For the last 26 years, she has been working to strengthen democracy and human rights in Brazil. Located in Brasilia, the national capital, Inesc strives to put society in connection with congressists and the government.

Efraim Barbosa - He is from Colombia. Barbosa is a member of Colombian Coalition Against Free Trade, an organization that leads the struggle on the subject in Colombia. Located, as the country is, near the Andes Mountains, their organization focuses its activities in opposing the Andean Free Trade Agreement.

Blanca Chancoso - She is from Ecuador. Chancoso is one of the indigenous leaders in her country, and is a member of Ecuador’s Indigenous Nations Confederefation (Conaie). This organization has a remarkable presence in social movements panorama in Latin America. Chancoso has participated in all editions of World Social Forum and American Social Foruns. Conaie has been in the forefront of the recent indigenous riots in Ecuador against the Free Trade Agreement with the United States.

Kjeld Jacobsen - Danish born and naturalized Brazilian in 1987. Specialist in International Affairs. He has a large experience as a unionist in Brazil. Jakobsen has been in the board of Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT), the most important unions federation in Brazil. He has been director of Dieese, a unions research institute, and has also taken part in many internation organizations like the Continental Social Alliance. Jakobsen is author of several books about free trade.

Sandra Quintela - Economist. She is from Brazil. Quintela coordinates PACS, Institute of Alternative Policies for the South. She takes part in many social networks in Brazil and abroad, like Jubilee South, the Solidarity Economy Brazilian Network, and the Campaign Against the Alca. Jubilee South is an interntational network that comprehends Latin America, Caribbe, Africa, Asia and the Pacific. Its main purpose is to promote a global social movement for the drop of all the third world’s external debts.

Camille Chalmers - Economist. She is from Haiti. She has an executive role in Papda, an organization for the alternative development of Haiti. She also coordinates the caribbean sectioin of Jubilee South and is a member of APC, Caribbean People’s Assembly.

Gilmar Pastorio - He is from Brazil. He coordinates part of Fetraf, the Peasant Families Federation in Brazil. Fetraf is dedicated to promote sustainable method of agriculture based upon minor land properties and untoxic means of farming. It also fights genetically modified seeds, specially Monsanto’s Terminator technology.

Luis Vicente Facco - He is from Brazil. Facco is in charge of international affair in Contag, another national organization that promotes the family-based agricultural system in Brazil. Contag reinforces the struggle for a sustainable model of development for the country, mainly about food production.

Graciela Rodrigues - She is from Brazil. Rodrigues participates in two important networks. In Brazil, she takes part in Rebrip, Brazilian Network for the Peoples’ Integration. She also works for IGTN - International Gender and Trade Network. This organization strives to notice the touching points between trade and gender issues, as to know how free trade rules and the modern production technologies affect both men and women because of their gender condition.

Elizabeth Peredo - She is from Bolivia. Peredo is a representative of Fundación Solón, a foundation dedicated to recollect information on a varied range of matters to promote comparative analysis. Its purpose is to promote new abilities and understanding about the social process among the bolivian people.